It can be confined to the network of computer workstations within a corporation across geographical boundaries, or it can be a public collaboration ( for example, peer-to-peer computing). 它可以是一个公司中各个地理位置的计算机工作站网络,也可以是一个公共协作(例如,对等网络计算)。
Taking Napster as the first popular example of peer-to-peer computing, the key differentiator was the fact that the nodes in the grid ( the users) could exchange data ( music) directly with one another. 我们将Napster作为对等计算的第一个流行的示例,它们之间的关键区别在于:网格中的节点(用户)可以直接彼此交换数据(比如音乐)。
The Peer-to-Peer computing mode has gained ground, with which many P2P applications for various scenes are booming. Peer-to-Peer(简称为P2P)计算模式现在得到越来越广泛的应用,针对不同用途的P2P应用正在迅速流行。
Presents a hybrid data location scheme by combining centralized location scheme, which based on C/ S model with decentralized location scheme based on Peer-to-Peer computing model. 通过整合基于服务器/客户机模式的集中式查找方案和基于对等计算模式的分散式查找方案,提出了一种混合式查找方案。
Peer-to-Peer ( P2P) computing model is a successful computing model in utilizing and managing the growing information and resources that are distributed over the Internet. Peer-to-Peer(P2P)计算模型在利用和管理日益增长的分布式信息和资源方面是一种非常成功的计算模型。
Peer-to-peer Computing is a new and potential computing form. 对等计算(Peer-to-Peercomputing)是一种新型的、极具潜力的计算形式,文件共享是P2P的主要用途。
It was analyzed the Distributed Peer-to-Peer computing model in detail, had a discussion on the discovery mechanism, communication mechanism and definition and search of the service for Peer in the Peer-to-Peer computing model, thus had application in the Toy Inspection System. 详细分析分布式对等计算模型,讨论对等模型中Peer的发现机制、通信机制以及服务的定义和检索,并在此基础上实现玩具检测系统。
The framework combines concepts and techniques from peer-to-peer network, grid computing and services-oriented architectures. 该框架融合了对等网络、网络计算及面向服务体系结构的概念和技术。
A Security Framework for Peer-to-Peer Based Grid Computing 一种基于网格计算的对等安全构架
Investigation on the application of distribute peer-to-peer computing model to the toy inspection system 基于分布式对等计算模型实现玩具检测系统的研究
Since Peer-to-Peer computing is drawing more and more attention, it has become a critical problem how we can evaluate a P2P system comprehensively. 随着P2P计算受到越来越多的关注,如何系统全面地对一个P2P系统作出评估成了一个非常重要的问题。
P2P technology is a hot topic and has been applied to file swap, peer-to-peer computing, collaboration, instant message, se-arch engine etc. P2P技术是目前计算机钟研究的热点问题,在文件交换、对等计算、协同工作、即时通讯、搜索引擎等诸多方面得到了广泛的应用和研究。
This paper proposes P2PSLF ( Peer-to-Peer Security Layer Framework), a security framework for peer-to-peer based grid computing. 文章提出了一种灵活的基于网格计算的对等安全构架:P2PSLF(对等网络安全层构架)。
Peer-to-Peer Computing Model and Security Countermeasure Peer-to-Peer计算模型及其安全对策
P2P is important in Data-Exchange, Peer-to-Peer Computing, Coordinated Working, Search Service, etc. P2P在文件交换,对等计算,协同工作,搜索服务等方面都有着重要的应用。
Peer-to-Peer computing provided a new distributed computing pattern for spatial data and spatial operation distribution based on large amount of self-organized peers'collaboration. P2P计算通过大量自治的节点协作共享资源与计算,为空间数据和空间操作的分布提供了新的分布式计算模式。
On the other hand, with the development of peer-to-peer ( P2P) computing paradigm, network bandwidth and the capacity of Internet-based end-systems, the end-systems ignored in the past become valuable computing resources. 另一方面,随着P2P计算模式的兴起、网络带宽的大幅增加和Internet端系统计算能力的迅速增强,原先被忽视的端用户设备成为一种宝贵的资源。
The Caculate of the Work of a Pair of Internal Forces Analyzing the Peer-to-Peer Computing Technology 对等计算技术分析
Peer-to-Peer computing is a novel Internet-based computing paradigm which is being studied widely in recent years. Peer-to-Peer计算是近年来开始出现的一种基于Internet的计算模式,其目标是充分利用Internet环境中各种可能的端计算设备进行大规模协作计算和资源共享。
Abstract: In recent years, peer-to-peer ( P2P) computing has become a popular network computing technique. Applications of peer-to-peer computing have spread into many fields. 对等网络(Peer-to-Peer,P2P)是近年来兴起的一种重要网络技术,在很多领域里都有着广泛的应用。
P2P stressed the idea of Peer-to-Peer Computing. In P2P, nodes are equal in status, their rights and obligations are of the same. Each node can access resources, while they also need to provide resources. P2P强调对等计算思想,网络中的节点具有平等的地位、权利和义务,每个节点既可获取资源又需提供资源,并参与到网络管理之中。
As the Web continues to grow in both content and the number of connected devices, peer-to-peer computing is becoming increasingly prevalent. 随着互联网内容和接入设备数目的不断增长,点对点计算变得越来越流行。
Peer-to-peer computing ( P2P) has become an extremely popular topic in computer science. 对等计算(peer-to-Peercomputing,简称P2P)已经成为了计算机科学领域的研究热点。
Peer-to-peer computing environment can give full play to participating nodes of the computer network and it can effectively use the capacity of network bandwidth. It provides a new optional architecture for spatial data sharing and management. 对等计算环境能够充分发挥计算机网络中各参与结点的能力,有效利用网络带宽,为空间数据共享与管理提供了一种新的可选架构。
With peer-to-peer computing model rising, construct highly scalable, highly reliable, high-performance distributed computing system which research is a hot one in recent years. 随着P2P网络的兴起,构建高扩展、高可靠、高性能的分布式计算系统成为近年来的研究热点。
P2P ( Peer-to-Peer) is a new network computing technology. At present, the focus on P2P network research is how to search and locate the resource in the P2P network. 对等网(Peer-to-Peer,P2P)网络技术是网络计算的一种新技术,资源搜索与定位是目前对等网研究的重点方向。
At present, P2P technology has been applied to many fields, such as file sharing, peer-to-peer computing, collaborative work, P2P search technology and streaming media. 目前,P2P技术已应用于众多领域,如文件共享、对等计算、协同工作、P2P搜索技术、流媒体等。
With the continuous emergence of cloud computing, peer-to-peer computing, pervasive computing, and the other new emerging computing model, the Internet led to a revolution in the software industry-software networks. 随着云计算、对等计算、普适计算等新兴计算模式的不断涌现,互联网引发了软件产业的一次革命&软件网络化,推动软件工程快速进入网络化软件的时代。
With the widespread use of Internet and the continuously improved performance of computer system connected to the Internet, the rapid development of peer-to-peer computing pattern gradually makes it become one of the most important Internet applications. 随着Internet的广泛使用以及接入Internet的计算机系统性能的持续增长,对等计算模式得到快速发展,逐渐成为Internet的重要应用之一。
Peer-to-Peer media streaming technology can utilize computing capacity and bandwidth of client effectively. Furthermore, it can make the other clients play a media file and download concurrently, also can provide service using its own idle resources. 对等网络流媒体技术可以合理地利用客户端的计算机能力和带宽资源,使用户实现下载的同时播放流媒体节目,也可以利用自身的计算机空闲资源为其它用户提供服务。